Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Training A Chipmunk

Woof and Good Morning!
My human parents are training me to do my business on pads or go outside. I'm getting so use to the pads I go outside and do nothing and then come and use the pads. I think Chippy needs to learn to use the pads also so carried him over to one of them and dropped him on it so he could go and I ran off to another one. All Chippy did was lay on his side. My human mom picked him up and threw him in the living room. So much for training a chipmunk.



1 comment:

CrazyUncle said...

Sam, you sneak. You can't fool an old dog. You accidentally swallowed you chipmunk and then passed him on the pad, didn't you? My folks send me outside, so I can pretty much eat and pass whatever I want.